Why is the program needed?
The Marumali Program® is needed to increase the quality of support available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of removal policies, their families and communities.
How much does it cost to attend or host a workshop?
Costs differ according to locations and type of workshop. Contact Shaan for more information.
What is the maximum number of workshop participants?
Are there programs for non-Aboriginal participants?
Yes. We offer a range of different training workshops and in particular one targetting non-Aboriginal service providers.
Where are the workshops held?
The workshops can be conducted at various locations, depending on where requests arise.
Who delivers the programs?
The workshops are delivered only by Aboriginal people and appropriately qualified trainers and assessors.
Does Winangali-Marumali offer “train the trainer” facilitator training?
Yes, we will be offering 'train the trainer' as part of our Licensing arrangement in the near future. Contact Shaan to provide EOI.
Can the program be purchased for delivery by other organisations?
Yes, we will be offering 'train the trainer' as part of our Licensing arrangement in the near future. Contact Shaan to provide EOI.