Workshop Formats
The Marumali Program® has been developed and are delivered by a survivor of removal policies. The workshops are delivered in a variety of formats; each designed to meet the needs of different groups of participants. In addition to the standard program formats, the program can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a particular client group.
The Marumali Program® supports service providers to: realize the widespread impact of forcible removal and understand the potential paths for recovery; recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma associated with forcible removal in clients, families and others involved with their service; and to avoid re-traumatizating Stolen Generations survivors. This supports participants and organisations to respond by integrating this knowledge into their policies, procedures, and practices.

Marumali Program® at Work for First Nations Service Providers
This four day workshop empowers your team to provide a safe, appropriate and effective support to Stolen Generations survivors, their families and communities. You will learn about:
assessing a clients' social and emotional wellbeing
give appropriate support and referral
identify protective factors and holistic support resources
Knowledge and skills:
understand and address the issues of trauma associated with forcible removal policies and practices.
Learn healing strategies that respect the rights of survivors to control the pace, direction and outcomes of their own journey
'It has taught me to understand in more depth, especially my family and community'
Marumali Program® at Work -Risk Management
The two-day workshop is an advanced group workshop that takes an in-depth look at the Marumali Journey of Healing Model and how to apply it in your work.
You must complete the Marumali Program® at Work for service providers before requesting the workshop.
Knowledge and skills
- identify the risks and protective factors associated with each stage of the journey
- learn how to manage risks and protective factors to ensure the safest possible journey for the Survivor.

Marumali Program® at Work for Non-First Nations Service Providers
The two day workshop for non-First Nations service providers who work with Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
We’ll talk through insights that help you to avoid reactivating trauma for Survivors and their families.
‘What a wonderful experience – enlightening, emotional, exhilarating and exhausting. Such a learning curve. I highly recommend this course to other non-Indigenous staff.'
Knowledge and skills:
- Respond well when a Survivor has been triggered or their trauma has been reactivated.
- Deal with issues of trauma in a variety of settings.
- Learn healing strategies that respect the rights of survivors to control the page, direction and outcomes of their own journey.
Marumali Program® for Survivors
Journey for Survivors is a trauma informed cultural healing program delivered to First Nations Survivors in 2 settings:
- in community
- in the justice system.
Healing journey in community
This workshops (2, 3 or 4 day) is held on Country or at your choice of location. The group will experience a collective, culturally responsive healing model that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survivors, their families and communities to heal.
Marumali Program® is an effective framework, structure and process for all Survivors to heal and find a safe path home to themselves, their families and their communties.
‘(I) faced my demons, opened my heart and connected spiritually.'
Knowledge and skills:
- experience the empowering sense of belonging and acceptance with others.
- draw on personal experiences and indiviudal healing journeys to support one another to progress healing
- empower participants with self determination to control the pace, direction and outcome of their healing journey.
- grow skills to act as an education resource for the community.
- get confidence to take on mentor roles to minimise the intergenerational effects of forcible removal.
Healing Journey in the justice system
A four day workshop we visit adult prisons to deliver this workshop to people in your care who are Survivors and younger family members of the Stolen Generations. This workshop implements recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Report (1991).
‘Thank you for a life changing experience.'
Knowledge and skills:
- learn ways to deal with issues of trauma associated with removal
- discuss issues including grief, loss and the spiritual dimensions of healing in a culturally safe environment.
- find encouragement of reaffirm and strengthen idenity
- understand the common impacts of long standing trauma

Marumali Program® for young people
This workshop is for First Nations young people (aged 8-24).
We deliver this workshop to children in schools, youth at-risk programs, youth justice settings and out-of-home care.
The Marumali Program® gives young people an overview of a healing journey, and how one could unfold.
Young people participate in healing as we create a comfortable, nurturing and supportive environment. They learn topics in an age-appropriate manner, with art, roleplaying, simulations, demonstrations, group and individual activities, and daily debriefing.
'This program has made me more proud of who I am and has given me the chance to become a more confident person.'